
What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a manual form of diagnosis and treatment which is focused on the body's skeleton, soft tissues and organs.

Osteopaths consider each person as an individual and use their highly developed sense of touch to identify problem areas in the body. Gentle stretching and mobilising techniques are used to improve mobility to joints, relieve muscle tension and increase blood supply to tissues. This aims to help the body’s own healing mechanisms, to aid recovery and prevent recurrence. Advice on posture and exercise is often provided.

Who regulates the Osteopathic profession?

Osteopathy is regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). Law protects the title 'Osteopath' and only those included on the UK Statutory Register are entitled to practice as Osteopaths.

To find out more:  www.osteopathy.org.uk

How can it help me?

Do you have painful joints? Suffer from headaches? Feel back pain? Osteopathy can assist with pain relief and keeping you mobile.

If you undertake sports then you will probably have suffered from a sprain, a jarred knee or tennis elbow at some point. Osteopathy can help with recovery from these injuries.

Stress can have an impact on the body too. In addition, osteopathy can help the body cope with the physical effects of stress.

Osteopathy can help your body cope with the effects of arthritis. Along with your GP or specialist, your osteopath can help keep your body functional and reduce pain.

For any enquiries regarding osteopathy and how it could help you, please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss the problem you are experiencing.

Osteopathy Service

For any queries about how osteopathy can help you or to make an appointment, call Penny on 

01296 696999

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